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Society of Saint Vincent de Paul

Santiago de Compostela Conference

Volunteers Packing Food

What We Do

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Santiago de Compostela Conference (SVdP) was founded in 1997. We have been working hard with the help of our members and volunteers to help individuals in need. No work of charity is foreign to the Society of SVdP.  The Society of SVdP serves those in need regardless of creed, ethnic, social background, health, gender, or political opinion.  Our work is dedicated to funding and delivering charitable services, and we strive to inspire and improve the lives of those who need assistance.


Learn how you can make a difference at our Charity.


"Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers or sisters of mine, you did for me."

Matthew 25:31-46

Fighting Poverty

One of our goals is to ensure that the most vulnerable and at-risk groups in the Lake Forest Community and the surrounding areas are safe and have their basic needs taken care of. With your generous donations and volunteering efforts, you have the capacity to help us in our endeavour of Fighting Poverty. Contact us to learn more.

Portrait of a Child

Helping the Homeless

One of the main reasons the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Santiago de Compostela Conference was founded in 1997 was to compensate for the Lake Forest Community and the surrounding area’s struggles with Helping the Homeless. We’ve dedicated many of man-hours and invested countless resources to this charitable cause, and hope you’ll help us continue this work.

Helping Hands

WHEN HELP is needed the most...

When you give, watch your heart grow, your life flourishes, and know your giving is making an impact worldwide!

© 2023 by Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Santiago de Compostela Conference. All Rights Reserved.

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